The mission of this committee is to support persons of all ages to know, respond to and live out, in their everyday lives, their relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, so that their faith is nurtured and empowered to grow. The committee oversees the following programs: Cradle Roll for newly baptized, Children's Sunday School for ages 3 - 6th Grade, Adult Sunday School (Happy Hour), First Communion Classes, Catechetical Classes, Bible Studies, Christian Preschool, and Vacation Bible School.
The function of this committee is to oversee the maintenance of the church and its grounds.
The Fellowship Committee's responsibility is to plan and to organize social activities that foster fellowship throughout the year. The committee sponsors congregational events which provide opportunities for members and guests to gather for fun and fellowship, to get to know each other in more social functions, and to promote a sense of family within the church community. A few large events are planned during the year to bring members together for food and activities. Coffee and Conversation fellowship times are held in the Gathering Space on Sundays between services. Watch for announcements for upcoming events like the Easter Egg Hunt, Lenten Soup Suppers, Advent/Christmas events, ULC day at Knoebel's Amusement Park, ULC day at the Iron Pigs...and much more.
Christian Life Committee is called to care for the spiritual growth of our members, reach out to prospective members and to work to share God's love with our community.
The Library Committee oversees the day-to-day operations of our church library including cataloging, re-shelving, purchasing additions to the collection.
The Social Ministry Committee serves in response to God's love to meet human needs, care for the sick and aged, advocate dignity and justice for all people, work for peace and reconciliation among nations and stand with the poor and powerless, committing themselves to their needs. Social ministry serves in response to God's love for all people - those in our Lutheran family, as well as those in the community. We strive to meet human needs through our outreach ministries. It's ministries include:
- Care Group - connect homebound members and church
- Disaster Response - help rebuild devastated areas
- Helping Hands - provide services to ease people's lives in times of need
- Ingathering - remember people living in facilities at Christmas time
- Lehigh County Conference of Churches - assist people with housing, employment and daily living difficulties
- Northern Lehigh Food Bank - feed the hungry people of the Northern Lehigh area
- Parish Nursing - promote healthy wholeness through body, mind and spirit connection
- Blanket Sunday - donating blankets to both the needy and homeless
- Souper Bowl Loud Offering/Soup Off - special offering collection on Super Bowl Sunday given to designated needs and Soup-Off luncheon with proceeds to World Hunger
- LCS - Lutheran Congregational Services
The purpose of the committee is to represent the congregation on personnel related matters and provide support to the church staff. It meets with one staff member each month to discuss any concerns that they may have regarding their employment with ULC. Members of this committee are appointed to a 3 year term.
The mission of the committee is to provide a spiritual atmosphere that encourages members of the congregation to share willingly their gifts of time, talent and treasure for the glory of God.